2025 Call for Poster Abstracts
February 20th – 22nd 2025
Louisville, KY
Hyatt Regency Louisville
Submitting Poster Abstracts: Individuals are encouraged to present posters in any area of athletic training in the physician practice setting. Abstract submission DOES NOT need to be related to the theme of the conference. Abstracts should be prepared according to the guidelines of the current Publication Manual of the American Medical Association. The text adheres to the abstract types and style guidelines Submissions can cover a wide array of topics related to Athletic Training in the physician practice. Suggested content areas include:
- Impact of athletic training in the productivity, throughput, or financial performance
- Best practices for treatment of orthopedic conditions
- Pre or Post-Surgical recommendations for care or orthopedic patients
- Downstream impact of orthopedic services to health systems
- Intra-operative workflow or cost reductions
- Or other orthopedic or athletic training scholarship
Submissions can be across four primary categories. These include:
- Original Research: This includes survey, qualitative, or mixed-methods research. It must be present findings about healthcare issues related to the Athletic Training profession. These may include systematic reviews and meta-analyses conducted by the speaker.
- Critically Appraised Topic: Should present the best available evidence to answer a focused clinical question using publications from the prior 10 years (preferably 5 years) summarizing 3 to 8 published abstracts.
- Clinical Practice Recommendation: Should present an innovative clinical practice including published evidence on why the practice is recommended and its benefits over standard alternatives to that practice.
- Laboratory/Workshop for Practice Enhancement: This abstract should summarize activities of a laboratory/workshop including the skills that should be obtained and the evidence behind the need for those skills.)
Accepted abstracts will be eligible to be published in CLIN AT (Clinical Practice in Athletic Training).
Submission Details:
Abstracts should be submitted by January 15 to the Poster Presentation Committee at [email protected]. Submission should be in either Microsoft Word, Microsoft PowerPoint or PDF and follow the instructions below.
Formatting Instructions:
- All tables and figures are created within Microsoft Word and not images.
- Abstracts should be prepared according to the guidelines of the current Publication Manual of the American Medical Association. The text adheres to the abstract types and style guidelines.
- The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
- The submission file is prepared in Microsoft Word. The text is single-spaced; uses a 12-point font; uses heading levels; and all illustrations, figures, and tables are acknowledged within the text at the appropriate points and uploaded as separate files.
- The end of the paper should be followed by the acknowledgments, if any, and references. DOIs and URLs for the references should be provided. References should be cited in text using superscripts numerals in order of appearance.
- Tables or figures/photographs may accompany the submission. All figures, photographs and tables must be formatted according to AMA guidelines.·Please blur/block the patient’s face if in photographs and deidentify all patient data. These files should be acknowledged where they would be placed within the document, but submitted as separate files.